Four a side competition conducted over 6 weeks on Wednesday evenings
commencing 14th February and completing on 20th March
Games start promptly at 7PM and finish at 8.45PM
$50 per team of 4 per night - includes a pre-game sausage sizzle and tickets for the post-game raffle.
ENQUIRIES: Doubleview Bowling Club 9446 4322
Bob Leed 0434919761
Entry by email to the club (hello@theviewbc.om.au) showing
Team Name, Contact Person with phone and email details.
Each Team may not contain more than one registered bowler, who may not act as Skipper.
Please ensure that your team is available for each of the 6 nights of competition.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the game and be ready to start playing at 7pm.
Bare feet or bowling shoes only on the greens.
Sausage sizzle available from 6.15pm each night.